May 12, 2017, AGA-THA-the organized a forum on the occasion of the international day against homophobia and transphobia.
The event had been announced to Crystal by a campaign display and on the intranet site of TCS Gennevilliers.
We welcomed, from 9: 00 to 10: 00, 15 participants, including the Director of the human resources of TCS, Thierry Rieutord, and ethical Director and the group, Dominique Lamoureux CSR, also Chairman of AGM-THA-the.
Dominique Lamoureux presented the AGA-THA-the actions during the past year and has exposed issues of the association.
Many participants were able to take the floor, and the following suggestions were made:
- Participation in the week QWL in September
- Need to decline the comex diversity initiatives to generate a dynamic locally.
- Thierry Rieutort considering to implement a diversity Committee
- Representatives of the unions suggest to contact the Secretaries of the EC to the other sites where we would like to have contacts
- Suggestion to make the things in common with other actions, for example an AGM-tha-the price for diversity during photo contest.